400 Drag And View For Win 32 401 Drag And View DWG For Win 32 402 Drag And View - Find 403 &Settings 404 Close &All Windows 405 &Help 406 &About Drag And View 407 Drag And File 408 Sorry 409 There is no special viewer for this file. 410 There are no more matches. 411 There are no matches found. 412 %s is %lX bytes long. 413 Unable to read %s 414 Error 416 Unable to read protected file. 417 Unable to find %s.\n Loading text viewer. 418 Unable to open %s. 419 %s contains %lu records. 420 Unable to create viewer window. 421 %s has columns ranging from A - %s and rows ranging from 1 - %u. 422 Cell value is out of range. 423 Printing %s. 424 Page &%d 443 Error creating toolbar customize dialog box. 444 Error creating toolbar. 445 Unable to load DFTB.DLL. 448 The file %s already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? 450 I'm sorry but you can't open more than 12 Drag And View windows. 701 Launch 702 Select All 703 Copy 704 New Window 705 Goto 706 Find 707 Last 708 Next 709 Print 710 Play 711 ASCII 712 Hex 713 Viewer 714 Exit 715 Close All DV Windows 716 Close Drag And View 717 Zoom Out 718 Zoom In 719 Edit